Business Blogs, Why Should You Do It?

Business blogs are one of the most cost-effective ways to communicate with your customers or clients and generate more conversions - as long as it's done the right way! While a working website and a friendly user experience are essential to the success of your online business activity, content marketing is one area that definitely shouldn’t be overlooked.

Business Blogs, Why Should You Do It?

Business blogging is as essential to marketing a business as the yellowpages. A business blog is a marketing channel that helps businesses increase visibility online, brand awareness, blog subscribers, and support business growth.

Key benefits of business blogging

  • Blogging Drives Traffic To The Webpage
  • Boost Your Search Engine Optimization & Ranking
  • Blogging Creates Organic Traffic
  • Valuable Target Driven Website Content
  • Blogging Conveys Credibility & Authority
  • Connects People To Your Brand
  • Social Media Benefits

Content can come in many forms, from social media copy and meta descriptions to blogs and landing page copy, all of these should be incorporated into your online marketing strategy. Writing content for business (or copywriting) isn’t always easy. We share some insight into why blogging is useful in meeting your objectives as well as some top tips to get started when it comes to your content (all in a handy blog post - of course!).

Benefits to using blogs in your content marketing strategy

1. Improve your SEO

High-quality blogs can be integrated into your long term SEO strategy and can help improve your organic search ranking. Optimising your website for search engines like Google can help to position your website higher within search engine results, in turn encouraging users to visit your website in response to their search query.

Additionally, when your blog contains valuable information that is beneficial to what search engine users are looking for Google crawl bots will be more likely to serve your website in results.

2. Drive more traffic to your website

Regular blogging is one of the best ways to drive relevant traffic to your website. Incorporating trending topics and evergreen ideas into your content strategy can give you an advantage when it comes to achieving a high position within SERP’s. Understanding your audience and what they are searching for will help you to decide on what topics are worth incorporating into your plan.

3. Grow brand awareness and generate more conversions

Driving more traffic to your website can mean more conversions or an increase in leads generated. Making the jump from an information seeker to a fully-fledged customer can be tricky so it’s important to make sure that you’re serving up information that’s relevant to your customers and target audience.

Users are more likely to convert if they find the information they are looking for relevant to their search and easy to find. Incorporating useful call-to-actions within your posts can encourage users to convert there and then.

4. Connect authentically with website users

Writing blogs for your business gives you the opportunity to connect authentically with your audience. You can give customers a real insight into brand whilst providing them with content they need. This allows you to develop your relationship with your customers and can help to grow your online community.

Outsourcing your copywriting

Maintaining an SEO-friendly blog can take a bit of time and work to get right. We have a team of content experts and copywriters who can give you a helping hand to create content. From helping you create click-worthy blog ideas to planning your social media content calendar and website copy, we have you covered! Get in touch with our team to find out how we can help you create SEO-friendly content for your business.